Monday 23 May 2022

Why is Digital Freelancing the Work of the Future?

The business world has changed more in the last two years than it has in the previous twenty. It took a pandemic to make people realize that they didn't need to travel for work two hours a day just to sit in front of a computer that was already connected to the internet.

It is no longer possible to attract people to work full-time in a corporate office because people have realized that the concept of a "safe and secure" job is a pipe dream that can come crashing down at any time. There is no need to work in a specific city or location because we all live in the global village known as the internet.


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So, what stops people from becoming freelancers and quitting their day jobs? Brand management is lacking.

The full-time corporate world follows slightly different rules, allowing you to move from one company to another based on your personal network and influence. However, in the freelance world, having a personal network is not enough; you must also have a personal brand.

Creating a personal brand does not imply becoming well-known. A personal brand is created when you add value to people's lives through your content, sometimes for free.

If you want to establish a strong personal brand as an influencer, you should begin by blogging. Write a few articles each month about what you've learned, what you know, and what you've seen. Writing is the most effective way to let the world know you exist.

Opportunities will present themselves to you once you begin writing. Begin by assisting people with your content, followed by free consultations. There are numerous freelancing opportunities available around the world, and you can specialize in one. Assume you are an SEO expert, for example. Start blogging about SEO, sharing it on social media, and posting videos about what you know.

Research companies that you want to assist and possibly create an SEO audit report for them to cold-email. If you add value first, rather than asking for an opportunity, one will come your way.

You can't demand heat before putting the piece of wood in. Create a calendar with your available times and allow people to schedule a free 15-20 minute discussion call with you. This is how you add value and then get a sale without clearly asking for it.

Freelancing turns you into an entrepreneur whose product is yourself. This is the first step in a long process of creating something for yourself that will eventually become greater than yourself.

Freelancing also requires professional relationship skills, sales skills, and the ability to add more value than you are paid for. This is a very different skill than being an employee.

If you are not currently employed in a full-time corporate position, it is time to begin freelancing rather than looking for work in the post-pandemic, new world order.

If you are already employed, you should begin freelancing as a side hustle as soon as possible. Even if all you do is build your brand and provide free consultations, it is more than enough to get started because it lays the groundwork for your future freelancing journey.

If you are or have been an employee, you may encounter difficulties in beginning this journey. Because the typical employee's mindset is to seek security and "something guaranteed" for every bit of effort put in. The first step in dealing with career and professional uncertainty is to begin your freelancing career.

I can't tell you how many opportunities will come your way once you start building your personal brand. But I can assure you that once you begin, you will begin to receive opportunities.


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Why is Digital Freelancing the Work of the Future?

The business world has changed more in the last two years than it has in the previous twenty. It took a pandemic to make people realize that...